Advanced benchmarking using more than 100 data points.
Meets internationally accepted standards.
Measures personality, career, motivation, job fit, behavior.
Advanced analytics and
Mobile friendly user interface design and is responsive.
ENT is an online psychometric tool that measures an individual's capacity for entrepreneurial success. It is designed to give aspiring entrepreneurs insight into their own personalities. It flags any personal strengths or weaknesses that may help or hinder them as they build their businesses.
ENT produces instant report that provides entrepreneurs, trainers, and coaches the information they need to pursue entrepreneurship goals that aligns with the individual's best skills and strengths.
ENT meets internationally-accepted assessment standards and was designed in accordance with recognised principles of good practice in psychometric testing.
People wondering if they might have what it takes to start a business can benefit from ENT, as can established entrepreneurs looking for an edge over the competition. Aspiring entrepreneurs can utilise ENT results to discover their strengths and focus on building their best skills as they pursue a path to becoming a successful entrepreneur. These enable setting of realistic goals that align with the individual's strengths.
ENT also serves as a valuable tool for career counsellors, business coaches, and other professionals who might wish to assess their clients' entrepreneurial ability. Trainers can use it to discover strengths that a trainee can exploit to get ahead in life, as well as areas that need improvement through seminars, coaching, or mentoring.
Career Fit is designed to support students and employees by matching their skills and interests to the type of career that would suit them best in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
It is developed as an enhanced career assessment ideal for early career planning, recruitment screening, talent acquisition, and placement in both educational and workplace settings.
After a 10-to-15-minute assessment, the Career Fit produces a detailed report, matching individuals to the job groups that best aligns with their interests.
By taking into account passion as one of the indicators of success, Career Fit provides insightful information to be utilised as a head start for students in planning their future studies and career development. When students are more aware of themselves, their strengths, and weaknesses, they become better decision-makers especially in the pursuit of their success.
Career wise, Career Fit assists employees to make full use of their interests and skills by suggesting the right career path that suits their individual talent.
Career Fit benefits employees by identifying candidates who fit a certain job or industry, as well as to measure current employees' skills as a guide for talent development. With right talents doing the right jobs, employee turnover can be reduced whereas team productivity can be further enhanced.
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Contact Info
Global Psytech Sdn Bhd,
Level 3, Wisma Suria, Jalan Teknokrat 6,
Cyber 5, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor,
+603-8314 3295 - Office
+603-8314 3388 - Fax